Sunday, October 6, 2013

LOTH Hoodies | Product Promotion Session

Here are a few from my session with LOTH Hoodies. They are a new hoodie company! They got to go to Comic Con in Salt Lake City to sell this sweet product! I am so happy they asked me to do this session for them. I love the "Lord of the Rings" feel of these hoodies. Go check them out!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Fun Family Session | At the Beach

A glance back to last weekend is exactly what I need on this cold fall day. A return to warmer temperatures, a return to the beach, a return to that warm glow of sunshine. 

You are welcome to return to the warm with me...  Enjoy this family session.

p.s. (not sure why blogger decided to change a few of my b/w images to a sepia-b/w. hmmmm... interesting.)

Little Angel | Newborn Girl Session

This little beauty is surrounded by lots of love in her home. I really adore the newborn stage. The sweet newness of life is something inde...